What is Hospice?

While many have a general idea of what hospice care is, few have a full picture. There comes a time in most life journeys where medical treatment is no longer significantly improving a person’s health outlook and may in fact be a burden without benefit. This does not mean that this phase of life is without an alternative that improves the quality of life. Hospice care seeks to do just that. When curative treatment is no longer a reasonable or viable option, hospice provides a care approach that seeks to maximize comfort and enable the days ahead to be as filled with the joys of life as is possible.

During hospice care patients are attended by a hospice team that aims to address physical, psychological, and spiritual needs. Hospice care under CVH can be administered either at the patient’s home or in a facility, such as our sister community, Royal Oaks Inn. The necessary equipment and personnel come to the patient to ensure quality hospice care. Patients receive routine visits from our team and their personal care givers have 24/7 access to members of the team as needs arise.

It is also important to know that hospice care is a medical benefit that all medicare enrollees have a right to. Our team at CVH is well versed in working with medicare to ensure timely and complete care for our patients.